Managing Director

    Gideon A. Mensah is a seasoned travel and tourism Expert with over 10 years professional experience within the travel and tourism industry. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer for DeRoyal International Education and Travel Ltd and DeRoyal Distribution Ltd. He holds a degree in Public Administration from the University of Ghana and a professional Diploma certificate in Ticketing and Reservation with International Travel and Tourism Institute (ITTI) .

    As a qualified professional Agent for International Consultants for Education and Fairs (ICEF), his dedication and experience for Student study Abroad Program, counselling and support have seen significant impacts and growth to DeRoyal International Education & Travel Ltd.

    Mr. Mensah is internationally exposed to the Healthcare/ pharmaceutical world with some strategic partner reference through Healthcare exhibition and medical tourism in India, Turkey, Dubai..


    Director of Operations

    Kwabena Otu, is an Executive Director of DeRoyal International Education and Travel Ltd and DeRoyal Distribution Limited. He began his career as a merchandiser and event planner. He holds both a foundational certificate in Travel and Tourism (DDTF) and International Travel and Tourism Consultancy (DTTC). He holds certificates from Stanford University in teaching Methodology and as a Trained Agent Counsellor for International Consultants for Education and Fairs (ICEF).

    He is an experienced Travel management Expert whose 14 years of unparalled expertise has seen him provide travel and air cargo business advise and services to both individual travelers and corporate institutions.

    Kwabena’s professional acumen as an International Air Transports Association (IATA) Instructor with Ghana Civil Aviation Academy (GATA) and a private Consultant for Several Travel Agencies has positioned him as a sought after professional within the Travel and Tourism industry.
    He is currently serving as the Chairman for the fundraising and event committee for the Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA).
